We’re delighted to share that we have joined forces with the Walworth County Food & Diaper Bank again — not only did the NDS Foundation continue sponsoring the Fresh Produce Market in 2022, but we also donated $10,000 to become a Gold Sponsor of the “School Days Market.”
Ensuring that kids have access to the school supplies they need can have a huge impact on their success in the classroom and in life. But as costs rise and families struggle to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, the extra expense of school supplies — which can average between $50-$100 per child — may be more than families can afford. That’s why we at the Nicholas D. Sergi Foundation supported the Walworth County Food & Diaper Bank “School Days Market,” a project that provides school supplies to children of families in need.
School Days Market Helps Hundreds of Children
At the market held this past August, children were able to select their own school supplies for the new school year. In total, 375 children received a backpack containing the school supplies necessary for their specific school and grade.
Overall, more than 900 spiral notebooks, 1100 plastic file folders, thousands of pens, pencils, colored pencils, pencil bags, 156 calculators, 388 highlighters, markers, crayons, dry erase markers, glue sticks, post-it notes, rulers, and index cards were distributed. Each backpack also contained a set of headphones — a requirement for today’s schools.
According to Susan Hughes, Food Bank Director, “Every student and parent went away smiling. We are all so grateful that you and the NDS Foundation were able to make this happen.”
Your Contributions Make it Happen
When you support the Nicholas D. Sergi Foundation, you are providing real, meaningful support to worthwhile organizations and events like the School Days Market. Your contributions help us work with community organizations to make amazing things happen.
Thank you for helping us honor Nick’s legacy of “Giving makes you smile” by helping get the school year off to a great start for hundreds of local children!